He who does not value life does not deserve it

He who does not value life does not deserve it

While life gives us the opportunity to live it intensely day by day, unfortunately, most of our time, we spend hibernating.

Life does not accumulate with points depending on what one needs from it, but on the contrary, every moment, it is or should be for us, an achievement, a daily goal with a thousand achievable stimuli whose final prize consisted of not increase our thoughts with inappropriate sufferings, useless nightmares, sterile dislikes, useless discomforts.

Life is not a fatality as some claim to label and defines it. Life actually has a more interesting incentive than being lived and being traveled and consists of ENJOYING THE SAME.

Perhaps because we were born, we should pretend that every minute of our life was a constant tribute, that every hour was a surrender in body and soul to the only essential thing that is LIVING and being HERE. Everything else, however excessive or happening, is not relevant.

On many occasions, we decided to become obsessed with the suffering that life gives us. We get upset when things don't happen according to our desires and we get upset twice because our expectations never seem fulfilled.

We think and talk about the future structuring what has to happen to us with scary planning. If we think that only life is reduced to an instance of a single day, how and with how much intensity would we live it? Would we be different in our relationships? or with ourselves?

We have no guarantee of waking up every morning. Therefore, we should change our lives and routine passages. Waking up thinking that life can be tiresome, exhausting, even heavy, but nevertheless absolutely bearable.

We cannot sleep with such a fascinating life ahead of us, we must take a breath, fill our lungs and empty ourselves daily: there are indeed moments in people's lives, which are worth years. But there are also years that are lost and not worth a minute of our life

He who does not value life does not deserve it He who does not value life does not deserve it Reviewed by .. on March 02, 2020 Rating: 5

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