6 signs that you really need to lose weight

6 signs that you really need to lose weight

Let's be honest, we all say "time flies" for a reason.

Even if you are a goddess of the organization, time can often fly in front of you while you focus on your children, on the list of things to do, work, your partner, and if you are lucky, on looking for a little time for you.

When we are caught in a whirlpool of occupations, exercise and healthy eating habits can sometimes be left aside.

If you are not paying attention to your body, it is when your weight can easily increase without you noticing.

Take control of your body again by using these 6 signs that you really need to lose weight

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You have a feeling
Normally we have all the answers if we only pay attention.

Is the voice in your head whispering to you? Realize:

My clothes seem to stay tighter.
I haven't been to the gym in a long time
I'm eating a lot of junk food lately
I think I go out to eat very often
When was the last time I exercised?
Many times, we know we need to lose weight, but we just don't want to admit it.

We have to remain still enough to hear what our intuition is telling us.

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You probably already have the answer, it's just that it's hard, to be honest when you don't like the answer.

Ignoring something that you know you need to do only contributes to your stress and mental exhaustion.

Once you make the change from worry to action, you can eliminate emotional and physical weight.

Your doctor or your numbers tell you
Some doctors will tell you directly and it is not a fun thing to hear. If your doctor doesn't tell you, then the numbers will tell the story.

If you have high blood pressure and high cholesterol and/or have been told that you are on the verge of being diabetic, it is probably time to pay attention to those extra pounds.

Excess fat, particularly abdominal fat, can increase your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and result in high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

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Your partner complains that you snore
High snoring with sounds can be a symptom of sleep apnea, a condition where your breathing stops repeatedly for 10 seconds or more while you sleep.

The disorder results in a decrease in blood oxygen and results in a bad night's sleep because it wakes you up at night.

The most common cause of obstructive sleep apnea is excess weight and obesity, according to WebMD.

If you feel tired most days and have been told that you snore loudly at night, you may have sleep apnea.

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Lose weight and there is a chance that you will jump the sleep specialist, use a medical device while you sleep and this so dangerous disorder.

Your weight only goes up
Do you gain weight all the time during each year?

If you look at what you have weighed over the years and notice that it is only going in one direction - upwards - it is time to put a brake on weight gain.

If you gain a few kilos every year, you should realize.

A couple of kilos a year may not seem like much, but they can accumulate over time leaving you with much more weight than you should eliminate.

Your joints hurt or bother
Do your knees, hips and back hurt you all the time?

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Excess weight puts pressure on the joints and can wear down the tissue around them causing the joints to ache and the movement to be uncomfortable.

You live in the area of ​​excuses
If you find yourself rationalizing many of your decisions by selling yourself the notion that you are very busy and that you do not have time to properly plan your meals and exercise, it may be time to put those excuses aside.

Streamlining your decisions is a simple way to make you feel better at the moment, but it doesn't help you live better.

Be totally honest with you so you can show yourself self-esteem.

Find out if you are using excuses as an easy way to deal with recent weight gain.

Our body normally tells the truth.

Even a little exercise makes you run out of breath
Do you feel super exhausted with just a regular activity or climbing the stairs of your house?

As you gain weight, your respiratory capacity for muscle function decreases, according to the National Institute of Health.

Shortness of breath is associated with inactivity, a sign that your heart and lungs are not getting the training they need to operate optimally.
6 signs that you really need to lose weight 6 signs that you really need to lose weight Reviewed by .. on January 17, 2020 Rating: 5

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