Tips not to lose motivation + A motivating story

Tips not to lose motivation + A motivating story

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When Jamie Morgan's husband uploaded the story on the Internet about how Jamie had managed to lose 96 kilograms to become a competition figure, he didn't know all the commotion this would cause.

Thousands of comments from women who felt very motivated by this story.

"It was really beautiful to see people motivated and inspired because of my story," Jamie tells us.

"I want people to know that this can be achieved, regardless of your weight or age."

Despite being 38 years old and being obese throughout her life (and being aware of it), Jamie always remained positive and encouraged to change.

But sometimes we need some push or something that encourages us to take that initial leap.

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That's how after the death of his mother, things changed for Jamie.

"I was eating more than usual because of my emotional issues and that was taking me down a dark and depressing path, strange in me."

In 2009, after she lost her job, a friend told her that she thought she was depressed and needed help.

"I needed to attack this depression to achieve emotional and physical health," he tells us.

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“6 months in therapy showed me that there could be a relationship between food and my emotions,” explains Jamie.

"I began to feel like moving and worrying about my body, looking at the things I fed it with."

In her childhood, Jamie always associated food with comfort and love and never worried about portion sizes and food nutrients.

This was the first step to solve, so he looked for a good nutritionist to learn how to eat in a healthy and positive way for the body.

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“Once I acquired these bases, I began to be interested in the world of fitness. I've never been an athlete, but suddenly, I found one inside of me. ”

"I fell in love with exercise and training."

At first, she felt ashamed of her figure, so it was difficult to enter the gym.

To eliminate this obstacle, Jamie began training at home until he felt comfortable stepping on a gym.

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In it, I dedicate most of the time to performing cardiovascular exercises, until a friend recommended that she try some classes of TRX.

After a couple of classes, Jamie hired a personal trainer, with whom I worked a few days a week, "it helped me feel more secure with my body and the things I could do."

When he weighed around 90 kg, a competition figure asked Jamie if he had ever thought about competing.

She laughed at the beginning, knowing she would never feel comfortable wearing a two-piece bikini on stage while everyone watched her.

But this idea was spinning in his mind and in November 2013 - with 20 kg more weight than today - he told his coach that he wanted to compete.

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Thus he began to train heavier, performing traditional strength routines, exercises with bodyweight, kettlebells and abdominal exercises.

She had another friend who trained bodybuilders, who helped her with her nutrition and the rest of the puzzle pieces to get shot for the competition.

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“The people in my gym started to notice the things I was doing and started offering help,” he tells us. “It’s amazing how generous people have been.”

Jamie participated in his first tournament on October 18 of this year weighing 71 kg, 4 years after starting his way to lose weight.

Despite not having won - and she knows that some points were deducted for excess skin - Jamie says the experience has been fantastic and hopes to learn more about competing in her next participation on November 22.

"The key to losing all this weight without extreme diets, pills or crazy routines were small changes, which I maintained over the years," Jamie reveals "could not have gone from 0 to 100 and had succeeded.

Success is not linear and cannot be measured on a scale, it is always about progressing, ”Jamie reveals. “Sometimes the success was to complete the meal plan for the day or drink all the water you should.” He tells us.

[quote_center] “It's very valuable to know that I can show people that this is possible. It is simply an internal matter and we have 100% control over our diet and the exercises we do. Once you realize, it's something really powerful ”[/ quote_center]

If this story has motivated you to achieve your weight loss goals, good for you!

If at any time you feel you are starting to lose that motivation, then these good tips can help you stay on track.

Write them down, or memorize them, so you can always have a motivated heart and mind.

Here we are going to present some options that will prevent something like this from happening, take note and try to apply them to your life.

What you must do in the first instance is an evaluation of your lifestyle and habits, you are the one who knows its limitations and how far you are able to get.

After evaluating yourself, set some real objectives, you know how far you can go, so you will see results and the motivation will not disappear, take into account that unreal goals will demotivate you since you will not see results of the effort you make.

1Not training others is important
Sometimes we make the mistake of training 5 hours in a row because we are quite motivated, but the next day is not and so it is not convenient, the motivation must be daily, so we must avoid over demanding to not be exhausted the next day.

2 Record the processes
Everything you have been doing, if you run, analyze the routes in this way you will notice the improvement in performance, motivating you to move forward.

3Look to do activities that you like
This way you will have a good time, remember that when enjoying physical activity we will look for a thousand excuses for not doing it, so the key is to find the one that best suits us.

4The place where you will exercise also counts
If it is in your home, outdoors or in a gym, establish that area to exercise, which will please you even more by motivating you to stay active.

5 Having company will also help us
It is always better, if they do not have the same physical resistance, try not to interfere with the training of the other or find someone who has your level.

6Value yourself
The time you spend looking for a healthier life is important, but in everything you've already traveled.

7Remember the reason you started
Something motivated you to change your habits and reform your lifestyle, keeping it always present will be vital not to give up.

8 Surround yourself with positive people

This will prevent that when you feel like abandoning your goal, you think better, because far from telling you that you cannot, they will give you the necessary courage, because difficulties you will find on the road but you must be stronger, everything will depend on you.

When you start an activity you should try to complete it, especially when it depends on being healthy, it always accompanies the exercise of good nutrition and hydration and you will see how beneficial it will be for your body.

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It is important that you maintain your motivation to continue your path to weight loss.

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Tips not to lose motivation + A motivating story Tips not to lose motivation + A motivating story Reviewed by .. on January 17, 2020 Rating: 5

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