Drugs and the mind

Drugs and the mind

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Are you surprised to find an article about drugs and their effects on the mind on such an educational page? I think we owe that to the hundreds of campaigns, directed from our governments and whose only premises were: "Do not take drugs." We are not used to being informed about it, we do not know its effects, its dangers, its components.

They don't want it that way. For the same reason, I would like to refer in these lines to the mental effects of marijuana and its derivatives. The most consumed drug in our country and one of the businesses that bill the most money on our planet. Let us explain in the first place, what the human mind experiences before the first draft to this plant. Marijuana penetrates the body, stimulates the brain, changing our state for a few minutes or a few hours.

It has been used by hundreds of artists claiming to achieve with it a much sharper mental level, which favors their inspiration. Some have described it as "The awakening of the brain." Undoubtedly, this effect falls on people accustomed to their consumption. A newbie in the subject, his senses would be clouded, he would laugh all the time and the chills would not allow him to write a book or compose a song.

What negative effects does this psychotropic have? We will differentiate two types. The physical; damage to lungs and other vital organs, in addition to very serious mental lexicons. The mental consequences are evident in the first moments of consumption. Memory loss, personality disorder, and apathy among others.

But what about the long term? Well, the intake perpetuated over time or on subjects predisposed to a series of mental illnesses can be terrible. Being the best known, we will start talking about psychotic outbreaks. That is a partial break with the reality of the moment. With what is happening. On a higher level and not as abnormal as we can think: Schizophrenia.

Curious that the brain can take us to this situation before a process of continued consumption, but also before the withdrawal syndrome, the well-known monkey, detoxification. On the other hand, we will not only be more vulnerable to purely psychological diseases. Our mental abilities would also be diminished. For a few years, we have already known in depth the process that limits our memory even once it has been uninhabited.

This loss lies with special intensity in short-term memory. We mean the immediate things. To "where I left the keys" or "Did I close the door when leaving?" You say they will lengthen in time and that as you all know, can cause great damage. For all this, I intend that these lines serve to know something more about this plant. It would be much more effective to stop fostering the mystery about this drug with continuous ad campaigns, and seriously inform whoever is necessary.

Drugs and the mind Drugs and the mind Reviewed by .. on February 07, 2020 Rating: 5

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