Intuition is reliable, trust your instinct

Intuition is reliable, trust your instinct

We have always thought that reason was more accurate than intuition. However, there are some scientific studies such as the one verified by a group of scientists guided by Professor Marius Usher at the University of Tel Aviv, for which this statement would be called into question. On a high percentage of occasions, decisions based on formal intuition would be as valid or more as those based on reason. That is, your instinct is right.

Maybe it has happened to you sometime, that your reason has given you something as valid, which in the end you did not trust together, but for which you do not find compelling reasons to justify that «do not trust». That is, rationally there are no reasons not to do so, but your intuition says that it is better to be prudent.

«Listen more to your intuition than to your reason. The words forge the reality but they are not."

-Alejandro Jodorowsky-

Learning gives good advice
The mind has infinite recorded experiences. For 4 years, we have memories. And, from then on and throughout our lives we have met many people and have experienced many situations, both good and bad.

All these experiences have been recorded in some parts of our memory, although we cannot revive them vividly or find it very difficult to locate them. Likewise, sometimes we do not know why, but we have the feeling that a person is not trustworthy. We also intuit that some events will go wrong if we make a certain decision.

Maybe because we once met someone with those traits and it didn't turn out to be a good person or we made a similar decision that went wrong. They are the so-called memory traces, highly valuable for the human species because of its great adaptive load.

The mind is the most valuable thing that exists for the human being. It entails in itself an experience-based learning process, which helps intuition gain strength. There are countless decisions to make and not only reason will give you a good point of view, listening to intuition is reliable.

How does your intuitive instinct work?
Instinct makes decisions in a matter of seconds. Every day we do it with simple things like "do I take the subway or the bus?" We don't even use reason to make that decision anymore, because we've done it so many times and we know with what combination we will arrive before, that instinct already guides us at times, without having to reason.

But let's imagine that a person is born in the jungle and grows out of civilization. If we then brought her to the city she would not see so clearly the option of what would be better, if she took the subway or the bus, because she has never done so and that learning is not recorded in her mind. Intuition is not something magical with what is born. In fact, it is developed by people who learn from everything they live and see around them.

According to the speaker Margarita Amestoy de Sánchez, the use of experience, together with that of intuition and even inventiveness, connect three areas: intellectual, experiential and contextual. These three fields integrate in a balanced way logical-critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence.

Two instincts with which we are born
Two of the innate instincts with which we are born, that of survival and that of sexual reproduction, have allowed us to continue existing as a species for hundreds of centuries. They allow us to flee from what threatens our lives, without reasoning. But the instincts are the result of previous learning that our ancestors carried out.

So, to escape a fire today, we had to learn what the danger of the flames was. In order not to put our hands on the hot oil, we had to learn as a child, that "pupa" and that we must move away from the hot pans. That is, much of what is harvested today is the result of what was planted centuries ago.

Once we have learned what puts us in danger, the body reacts in a matter of seconds, fleeing every time something is a threat to us. Intuition is reliable, but we have it because we have learned with experiences, books, movies and more experiences of the environment.

Therefore, when making decisions you should not underestimate your instinct since it has quite accurate information.

Clarification: this does not mean that every time you have an intuition, for example, that you think a number is going to be in the lottery or that you think that one restaurant is better than another, you will succeed. Not much less. We talk about basic survival instincts, which have allowed the adaptation of the human being, not to the gifts of divination or to succeed in matters of chance.

Intuition is reliable, trust your instinct Intuition is reliable, trust your instinct Reviewed by .. on February 29, 2020 Rating: 5

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