Postvacational syndrome, do you still exist?

Postvacational syndrome, do you still exist?

There is three news that is repeated cyclically every summer on the news. The first is the sub-Saharan heat wave that sweeps Spain from north to south, you know, drinking water even if you are not thirsty, not leaving home at rush hour, special attention to children and the elderly, etc ... The second is even more worrying and I will not joke about it: Forest fires. And finally, the third, the post-vacation syndrome. From now on we will refer to him as The disappeared.

What happened? The sub-Saharan wave has arrived and we have become achicharrado, half the country has been burned again, but what about the post-vacation syndrome? No one has it this time? Can we cross it out of the dictionary now?
Work has become a precious asset. That certain envy of the neighbor for your car or your biggest television is now feasible because you simply have a work contract. Valuing your lifestyle more eliminates that sense of obligatory routine that can be felt during these days.
On the other hand, fear. We are living it, we observe how all our taxes go up, our wages go down and that heavy uncertainty takes over all the environments, all the conversations. Our mind assimilates it. "I can't complain about work" "In what situation would I find myself if I ran out of it?"

However, I think that not all causes of "disappearance" have to do with the economic and social situation in which we live. Part of the responsibility comes from time back. Of the apparent need to name everything, accompanied as not, by specialists who appear on television and magazines advising a progressive reintroduction, both to work and to the daily routine in the city.
What has been called "Postvacational Syndrome" is simply and simply: "The less I do, the less I want to do." Do you know those substances that emit the body when you do sports and that makes it addictive in a certain way? Endorphins Well, in a way this is how our mind works. You are busy all day, without stopping from side to side. But you have to study for at least three hours ... And you do.

The concentration appears and the prize of the feeling of having completed a good day when you go to bed is enough. If instead, you do nothing since you wake up, the "I'll do it" or "I have all day ahead" will probably become and if you master it in two and a half hours of study or three of much worse quality.
This is how our body and mind works. A perfect machine as the advertising spot said. But a machine that works much better when it is perfectly greased, with the shooting done and making it run at a constant rate.

Postvacational syndrome, do you still exist? Postvacational syndrome, do you still exist? Reviewed by .. on February 29, 2020 Rating: 5

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